Pegagocical Contents

Hello! In this page, i wanna describe to you, about pedagogical contents in University Science High School (USHS) according to what i have observed in my teaching practicum.
1.1 Teaching Methods
     There are several methods used by teachers in teaching, for example discussion methods, presentation methods, demonstration methods, lecture methods, etc. but still using the same learning approach, namely student center learning. 
      My Cooperative, Sir John Paul used the lecture method at his first meeting with students, because the first meeting was still about pre-learning. at the next meeting, Sir John Paul used the presentation method with powerpoint media to explain the material. Learning begins with giving students a review of previous studies and quizzes for the material being studied, this is to find out the readiness of students before entering the learning material. At the end of the study, the teacher will give some questions as an evaluation and inform about the material to be studied next. So that students can learn it before learning begins in class, because there will be a review and quiz at the beginning of the study.
 (The teacher at the classroom)

1.2 Learning Materials and Innovation
       Sir John Paul, my cooperative teacher, uses a powerpoint presentation in explaining the material and giving an e-modules to students as teaching material. The e-module contains a series of learning materials that are taught and contain classroom activities and individual activities carried out during the study. he used the powerpint presentation to provide direction to students, review, quiz, evaluation, and provide material reinforcement in learning.  
1.3 Sources of Learning and Technology

(The teacher use projector for teaching)
      The teacher uses the internet to take some teaching materials, such as e-books and e-modules. When studying in the classroom the teacher uses several tools, such as a projector and speaker. This tools can help teachers to deliver learning material and students can also better understand the material being taught.

1.4 Authentic Assessment 
     In the beginning of learning, the teacher will provide several questions for review of previous learning and quizzes of the material to be taught. At the end of the study the teacher will provide an evaluation.  The questions given can be multiple choice, essays, and others. Each assessment carried out will be accumulated at the end of the assessment.


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