School: General Information and Academic Administration
Hello! Iqra is here, in this chance i wanna describe to you about my receiving school at my teaching
practicum as a participant of SEAMEAO SEATEACHER Project. This school name is University Science
High School.
High School.
1.1 School Profile
The university science high school was established by virtue of the CLSU board of regents under the board resolution No. 1622 dated june 14, 1976 as a prime school for students who are inclined to pursue science and technology courses which the country needs for its massive and sustaining development programs. in 1978 board resolution no 1780 was passed, revising the crriculum and changing the name to agricltural science high school as an answer to the to the clamor for the change of the traditional curricular offerings.

Futher revision/enrichent of the curriculum was made in 1979 to strengthen the agricultural components and met the needs of the students who seek admission to agricultral institutions of the higher learning without prejudice to the original goal of preparing the youth for intensive training in science and technology. the school has opened its doors to interested applicants who qualify through screening by an entrance examination to fill up the limited slot of 80 in the first year level since 1978. In 1983, the school was back to its original name, the university science high school, to respond to the schools intensive emphasis in science and technology. Now, in its more thn 4 decades of existence, though a small unit in the university under the college of the education, the USHS has been an asset and will always be an asset, constinously giving its share in making clsu a bold name in the academic world where science and technology front the line in the educational thrust by producing qualify graduates.
The USHS vision is “ The University Science High School aims to be at par with secondary science institutions in the Asia – Pasific region”.
The USHS mission is “ to Develop Students who are highly competitive in Math, Science and Technology, and Communication (Asia – Pasific region)”.
The USHS philosophy is “ The school believes that education is the prime instrument of national development and the key to excellence and global competitiveness”
1.2 University Science High School (USHS) Academic Support System
1.2.1 The USHS Facilities
There are several learning support facilities located at USHS, a series of these facilities can support effective learning and encourage active students. So that the learning process can be more enjoyable and obtain satisfying learning outcomes. Some of the facilities available at USHS are:
1. Classroom
USHS has 12 classrooms in all rooms equipped with 1 projector, 1 projector screen, 1 speaker, 1 electric shocket terminal, 2 air conditioners, 4 fans, 5 Lamps, 1 teacher table, 1 large LED TV, chairs according to the number of students and 2 the door that serves to facilitate students at times when a disaster occurs.

( USHS Classrooms)

2. Biology Laboratory
USHS has a biology laboratory that functions as a learning medium, so students can understand the material better by directly observing biological material taught in class. In my observations during the SEA - Teacher program at USHS, it was seen that this biology laboratory is often used in the teaching and learning process, as well as biological laboratory equipment is quite complete for junior or senior high school level.

( USHS Biology Laboratory)

3. Computer Laboratory
This facility can be used by students in exploring things that support learning. This facility is also supported by a good internet connection, so that it can facilitate students in exploring references and learning resources.

(USHS Computer Laboratory)

4. Student Lockers
Lockers for USHS students are located in front of each class. This facility can help students to store a number of their belongings in the locker. This locker is equipped with a locking slot, so that all items stored in the locker can be maintained properly.

(USHS student lockers)
5. Gymnatorium
This gymnasium serves as a place for students to gather in terms of carrying out a number of school activities both academic and non-academic. For example, the flag ceremony, the delivery of material during the school orientation period, a series of tagalong language day activities (Bwa Ng Wika Day). In addition this facility can also be used as a place for exercise activities.

(USHS Gymnatorium)

6. Student Hall
This student hall is a place for students to hold student organization activities, such as student organization meetings. The facility is used as a place to exchange ideas for students in implementing a school activity carried out by a particular school organization. Aside from being the right meeting of student organizations, this hall is often used as a place of learning by some teachers who want to create a comfortable learning atmosphere outside the classroom.

(USHS Student Halls)

7. Water Dispenser
There is also a drinking water dispenser prepared for students, so students can avoid dehydration. This facility can also make students more focused, because when students are dehydrated it will cause a decrease in focus in learning.
8. School Field
This school square is located right in front of the school yard. This field as a place to exercise, it can also be used as a place for morning parade for students and teachers.

(USHS field)
9. The USHS Principal, Teacher and Staff Room

(USHS field)
9. The USHS Principal, Teacher and Staff Room
Principals, teachers and staff USHS have different buildings, where each room is equipped with photocopying machines, printers and computers. This helps teachers and staff to carry out tasks.
10. Canteen
There is a canteen building that sells food for students and teachers. With this canteen can facilitate students in buying food during breaks and lunch time.
11. Musical Instruments and Sound Systems
Music and sound system tools are available at USHS, art tools such as guitars can help students in art learning and can be used in art contests that are often held by schools. The sound system is often used in school activities both academic and non-academic. At the time of classroom learning, the teachers use a sound system that helps the teacher explain the material being taught in the classroom.
12. Restroom
There are 4 restroom rooms, all restroom conditions are in good condition, so students are comfortable in using this facility.
13. CCTV security system
10. Canteen
There is a canteen building that sells food for students and teachers. With this canteen can facilitate students in buying food during breaks and lunch time.
11. Musical Instruments and Sound Systems
Music and sound system tools are available at USHS, art tools such as guitars can help students in art learning and can be used in art contests that are often held by schools. The sound system is often used in school activities both academic and non-academic. At the time of classroom learning, the teachers use a sound system that helps the teacher explain the material being taught in the classroom.
12. Restroom
There are 4 restroom rooms, all restroom conditions are in good condition, so students are comfortable in using this facility.
13. CCTV security system
This school is equipped with a number of CCTVs so that the school can control the state of the school and maintain the security of the school environment. CCTV monitors are placed in the principal's office.
14. Wall Magazine
In some corners of the school there is a wall magazine that contains a series of information ranging from learning schedules, scientific information, school vision and mission, organizational structure of student organizations in schools and information on students and alumni who excel. This is useful for motivating students to learn and work.

(USHS Wall Magazines)

14. Wall Magazine
In some corners of the school there is a wall magazine that contains a series of information ranging from learning schedules, scientific information, school vision and mission, organizational structure of student organizations in schools and information on students and alumni who excel. This is useful for motivating students to learn and work.

(USHS Wall Magazines)

1.2.2 USHS Students Orientation
The first week of school, USHS gives orientation for all of the students. Where students are given material about the assessment system, rules, and debriefing in the form of skills to save themselves from earthquakes and fires. This series of activities aims to motivate students to be active in learning and know the assessment scheme, so that students can prepare themselves further and prepare themselves for earthquakes and fires.

(Student Orientation at USHS)

(Student Simulation for Earthquake)
1.2.3 Student Parents and Class Advisor Meeting Time
The first week of school, USHS gives orientation for all of the students. Where students are given material about the assessment system, rules, and debriefing in the form of skills to save themselves from earthquakes and fires. This series of activities aims to motivate students to be active in learning and know the assessment scheme, so that students can prepare themselves further and prepare themselves for earthquakes and fires.

(Student Orientation at USHS)

(Student Simulation for Earthquake)
1.2.3 Student Parents and Class Advisor Meeting Time
In the first week of school also, the parents of students and class advisor hold a meeting to inform the students' schedule to the student parents, so they can find out their child's schedule at school. The meeting was held in the classroom of each of their children so that the parents of the students could find out the condition of their children's study room. This, of course, can support all of school activities that focus on optimalization of student learning outcomes.

(Student Parents and Class Advisor Forum)

1.2.4 USHS Fairbooks
In the first week of school also, USHS held a fairbook so students could prepare and buy books that would be used for one semester. Students are directed to the fairbook by the teacher after the firstmeeting in the class was completed.
1.3 Teaching System

(Student Parents and Class Advisor Forum)

1.2.4 USHS Fairbooks
In the first week of school also, USHS held a fairbook so students could prepare and buy books that would be used for one semester. Students are directed to the fairbook by the teacher after the firstmeeting in the class was completed.

1.3 Teaching System
Learning starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m, which starts on Monday until Friday. Where each subject is 1 hour long. In daily learning USHS use two languages, namely Tagalog language and English. All of USHS students have good english skills, this facilitates me in teaching practice.
Each teacher uses a different learning methods depending on the learning topic to be taught. however, the approach used is student center learning.Learning methods and teaching materials used will be adapted to the learning materials available in the syllabus and curriculum.
1.4 Materials and Other Learning Sources
Teaching materials used are in the form of books / modules from the internet (e-book) , textbooks, and powerpoint presentations. teaching materials used depend on the material to be taught. My Coperative teacher, Sir John Paul uses powerpoints and e-books, to explain the subject matter he teaches.
1.5 Measurement and Evaluation System
1.5.1 Grading System
The USHS gradding system refer to Department of Educaion No. 8 s. 2015. Namely regarding policy guidelines on classroom assessment for the K to12 basic education program. Learners from Grades 1 to 12 are graded on Written Work, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Assessment every quarter. For science written work (40%), Performace Task (40%) and Quarterly Assessment (20%).
1.5.2 Report Card
Weight of each subject
Each subject has 1 unit credit. In the above example, since there are 9 learning areas there must be a total of 9 units.
Retention Policy
The USHS will maintain its retention policy in consonance with Resolution No. 56-2002 of the CLSU Board of Regents approving the adoption of 80% as qualifying mark.
Grade Computation
In USHS, the General and Quarter Averages will be reported in whole number, round up to the nearest whole number.
1.6 Curriculum
USHS uses the curriculum set by the Philippines education department, namely the curriculum
K to 12.
Conceptual Framework of K to 12 (Departent of Education of Philippine, 2013)
Science content and science processes are intertwined in the K to 12 curriculum. Without the content, learners will have difficulty utilizing science process skills since these processes are best learned in context. Organizing the curriculum around situations and problems that challenge and arouse students’ curiosity motivates them to learn and appreciate science as relevant and useful. Rather than relying solely on textbooks, varied hands-on, minds-on, and hearts-on activities will be used to develop students’ interest and let them become active learners. Science education aims to develop scientific literacy among students that will prepare them to be informedand participative citizens who are able to make judgments and decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that may have social, health, or environmental impacts.
The K to 12 science curriculum envisions the development of scientifically,technologically, and environmentally literate and productive members of society who manifest skills ascritical problem solvers, responsible stewards of nature, innovative and creative citizens, informed decision makers, and effective communicators. This curriculum is designed around the three domains of learning science: understanding and applying scientific knowledge in local setting as well as global, context whenever possible,performing scientific processes and skills, and developing and demonstratingscientific attitudes and values.
As a whole, the K to 12 science curriculum is learner-centered and inquiry-based, emphasizing the use of evidence in constructing explanations. Concepts and skills in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences are presented with increasing levels of complexity from one grade levelto another (spiral progression), thus paving the way to deeper understanding of a few concepts. These concepts and skills are integrated rather than disciplinebased, stressing the connections across science topics and other disciplines as well as applications of concepts and thinking skills to real life.
1.7 Teaching Plan
The teacher will make his own lesson plans that will be used in teaching. However, each lesson plan will be adjusted to the syllabus and curriculum. The lesson plan will be adjusted to the material to be taught. There are several parts of the lesson plan, namely:
1. Objective Introduction
2. Class Activity
3. Student Activity
4. Exploration
5. Explanation
6. Elaboration
7. Evaluation.
For example:
Each teacher uses a different learning methods depending on the learning topic to be taught. however, the approach used is student center learning.Learning methods and teaching materials used will be adapted to the learning materials available in the syllabus and curriculum.
1.4 Materials and Other Learning Sources
Teaching materials used are in the form of books / modules from the internet (e-book) , textbooks, and powerpoint presentations. teaching materials used depend on the material to be taught. My Coperative teacher, Sir John Paul uses powerpoints and e-books, to explain the subject matter he teaches.
1.5 Measurement and Evaluation System
1.5.1 Grading System
The USHS gradding system refer to Department of Educaion No. 8 s. 2015. Namely regarding policy guidelines on classroom assessment for the K to12 basic education program. Learners from Grades 1 to 12 are graded on Written Work, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Assessment every quarter. For science written work (40%), Performace Task (40%) and Quarterly Assessment (20%).

1.5.2 Report Card
Each subject has 1 unit credit. In the above example, since there are 9 learning areas there must be a total of 9 units.
Retention Policy
The USHS will maintain its retention policy in consonance with Resolution No. 56-2002 of the CLSU Board of Regents approving the adoption of 80% as qualifying mark.
Grade Computation
In USHS, the General and Quarter Averages will be reported in whole number, round up to the nearest whole number.
1.6 Curriculum
USHS uses the curriculum set by the Philippines education department, namely the curriculum
K to 12.

Conceptual Framework of K to 12 (Departent of Education of Philippine, 2013)
Science content and science processes are intertwined in the K to 12 curriculum. Without the content, learners will have difficulty utilizing science process skills since these processes are best learned in context. Organizing the curriculum around situations and problems that challenge and arouse students’ curiosity motivates them to learn and appreciate science as relevant and useful. Rather than relying solely on textbooks, varied hands-on, minds-on, and hearts-on activities will be used to develop students’ interest and let them become active learners. Science education aims to develop scientific literacy among students that will prepare them to be informedand participative citizens who are able to make judgments and decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that may have social, health, or environmental impacts.
The K to 12 science curriculum envisions the development of scientifically,technologically, and environmentally literate and productive members of society who manifest skills ascritical problem solvers, responsible stewards of nature, innovative and creative citizens, informed decision makers, and effective communicators. This curriculum is designed around the three domains of learning science: understanding and applying scientific knowledge in local setting as well as global, context whenever possible,performing scientific processes and skills, and developing and demonstratingscientific attitudes and values.
As a whole, the K to 12 science curriculum is learner-centered and inquiry-based, emphasizing the use of evidence in constructing explanations. Concepts and skills in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences are presented with increasing levels of complexity from one grade levelto another (spiral progression), thus paving the way to deeper understanding of a few concepts. These concepts and skills are integrated rather than disciplinebased, stressing the connections across science topics and other disciplines as well as applications of concepts and thinking skills to real life.
1.7 Teaching Plan
The teacher will make his own lesson plans that will be used in teaching. However, each lesson plan will be adjusted to the syllabus and curriculum. The lesson plan will be adjusted to the material to be taught. There are several parts of the lesson plan, namely:
1. Objective Introduction
2. Class Activity
3. Student Activity
4. Exploration
5. Explanation
6. Elaboration
7. Evaluation.
For example:
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